Friday, July 5, 2013


     As a pastor who grew up in Boy Scouting and who has first hand benefitted from Scouting all of my life since my own boyhood, I am saddened and appalled when I read of local churches that are closing their doors to Boy and Cub Scouts. This kind of message is why churches are declining across our country and when the churches says NO to any child they are ignoring Jesus welcoming all children with his words. "Suffer the children to come unto me ...for of such is the Kingdom of God."  I have witnessed firsthand how Scouting has saved the lives of boys, body and soul. To disenfranchise them and reject them is a travesty and tragic! I grew up at Camp Linwood Hayne right here in the CSRA and I treasure the years I have been associated with scouting. 
     WE MUST spread the word that Scouts and their families are welcome at Mann Memorial! Our church host the monthly meeting of The Georgia Carolina Boy Scout Council and The United Methodist Men have a longstanding relationship and partnership with BSA.
     As "the friendly Church on the Corner" let us open our hearts, minds, and doors to all and remember that THIS IS A DAY OF NEW BEGINNINGS....GOD IS DOING ALL THINGS NEW!!!

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